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Detroit, MI

Learn how Detroit increased its grant revenue by over $202 million.


  • Using eCivis, implemented a web-based enterprise grant management solution.

  • Improved compliance and centralized reporting on grants.

  • Saw an 88 percent reduction in audit findings.

  • Secured more than $202 million in grants and donations to support neighborhood revitalization and service improvements.

The Challenge

After the devastating impacts of the 2009 recession, our hero, Katerli Bounds, the former Deputy Chief Financial Officer for the city of Detroit, solicited a competitive bid under emergency management conditions to procure a web-based grants management solution (GMS). The GMS requirements included an intuitive user interface, support of grants management best practices, expedited implementation, and the ability to integrate with the City’s current and future financial systems.

Katerli, our hero was hoping to restore the City’s financial stability and raise and expend grant revenue in support of its strategic vision to recover and propel Detroit forward.

The Solution

Using eCivis, the heroes of Detroit implemented a web-based enterprise GMS administered by a citywide grant management unit (now fund development office). This enabled the management of grants across the City for all grants and across all departments. Through eCivis, our heroes were able to:

  • Improve compliance accounting practices through the automation of processes and procedures.
  • Enable accurate and timely reporting to key stakeholders.
  • Use a centralized platform for all grant-related information.
  • Save documentation electronically for smoother and more efficient audit preparation.

The Results

Our hero, Katerli, and her team were able to use eCivis to help restore financial stability. The results have been remarkable. These heroes were able to accomplish the following:

  • Detroit’s FY 2017 Single Audit results included zero questioned costs of federal grant awards for the second straight year vs. $7.3 million in FY 2012 and $18.5 million in FY 2013.
  • The City saw an 88% reduction in audit findings (12 in FY 2017 vs. 98 in FY 2012).
  • In FY 2017, the City secured more than $202 million in grants and donations to support neighborhood revitalization and service improvements.
  • Detroit has also had three consecutive years of a balanced budget and operating surpluses (FY 2015 – 2017), and FY 2018 ended with an operating surplus of approximately $36 million.
Increase in New Grant Funding
Reduction in Audit Findings
in Operating Surplus

In the years since the rebound, Detroit’s communities have surged, with a thriving downtown business district and reinvestment in historic neighborhoods. Grants played a major role. In 2017, Detroit received $202 million in grants and donations for neighborhood revitalization and service improvements.

Katerli Bounds

Former Deputy Chief Financial Officer

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eCivis is the nation’s leading grants management software solution and the ideal platform for improving grants performance for local governments and community-based organizations.

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