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Compliance & Audit

6 Valuable Resources to Ease the Grants Administration and Compliance Journey

As a Grant Administrator, you know that grants administration is an ongoing process that can be incredibly complicated and frustrating. We’ve provided you with resources to kick-start your grants administration and compliance processes, but we know that the learning never really stops for grants professionals.
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Best Practices for Grantees and Grantors: Grant Compliance

In their quest to maintain high-quality programs that provide necessary services to the greater public, grantors and grantees focus on grant seeking. This often leads to grant professionals overlooking the often taxing work of complying with the requirements and stipulations of grant-awarded funding.
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Single Audit for Beginners: 10 FAQs

The single audit. This term may be unfamiliar to you if you are new to grants management, but the single audit is a necessary part of effective grants management for many federal grant recipients. Audits are important because they promote accountability. Here are 10 FAQs to help you better understand this important process.
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