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Enhancing Grants Management Through Technological Innovation

As a grants administrator, you’re no-doubt familiar with the deluge of operational challenges and resource constraints that can affect your department’s productivity.  

Managing grants through outdated methods such as spreadsheets and paper-based processes only magnifies frustrations, errors, and costs. Even if your organization has shifted to using a more technological approach, it’s still difficult to find a system that’s truly user-friendly.  

So, how does your organization achieve improved, modernized grants management? 

The right solution is a cloud-based grants management system 

Implementing a fully integrated cloud-based system like eCivis’s Grants Network is the most effective way to enhance your organization’s grants management process. These systems offer a variety of functions to streamline the entire grants lifecycle and achieve goals faster. 

To illustrate, here are five immediate benefits of implementing cloud-based grants management: 

  1. Clearer cost analysis – Understand direct and indirect costs through a cost allocation module while importing data from Excel and other backend systems to track and compare costs, maximize reimbursements, and simplify rate submissions and reviews. 
  2. Greater efficiency – Automate and manage your tasks, search for grants, and receive notifications when work needs to be completed.
  3. Universal access – Easily retrieve critical information across platforms and devices from anywhere within a single centralized system.
  4. Seamless data monitoring – Effortlessly track organization goals, financials, and performance metrics across your entire department through a central system of communication.
  5. Increased transparency and compliance – Standardize data collection and reporting processes to help drive transparency, increase reporting accuracy, and ensure grant compliance by aligning electronic documents with Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200).

If your organization is ready to embrace innovation and modernize the grants management process, eCivis can help.   

Connect with our Solutions team today to discover all the benefits cloud-based grants management has to offer. 


eCivis is the nation’s leading grants management software solution and the ideal platform for improving grants performance for local governments and community-based organizations.

eCivis is the nation’s leading grants management software solution and the ideal platform for improving grants performance for local governments and community-based organizations.

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